Saturday, April 23, 2011

A tremendous buying opportunity!
Got Silver?
Click the link above and start Saving in Silver :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Each person can become their own central bank

The following is from an interview with Jim Sinclair conducted by Hera Research Newsletter:

"People have to try to maintain their buying power.  Each person can become their own central bank and, to the best of their abilities, focus on the assets that benefit from the disorder that’s taking place and that will continue to take place...

What is real money?  Gold is a currency that has no liability attached to it.  It’s a measure of value and a store of wealth that’s universally acceptable...

Physical gold is the answer.  An individual who holds gold will have more time and ability to function...

Gold is going much higher.  We could see shocking gold prices, maybe Alf Fields’ target of $10,000 per ounce or Martin Armstrong’s target of $12,000 per ounce.  I think that my price target of $1,650 per ounce gold is going to be so low it will be considered silly." Jim Sinclair

I'd like to add to Mr. Sinclair's observation about the necessity for people to hold gold to maintain their purchasing power during the coming monetary crisis and resulting hyperinflation. Most folks are not going to be able to get their hands on gold due to the price, but silver, gold's little sister, is still reasonably priced at around $45/ounce. Even though gold has exceeded by almost 2X its 1980 peak, silver has yet to match its 1980 peak. Combine that with the claim by some that the ratio of silver to gold may end up in a single digit, one should consider owning silver as the best way to provide funding for your very own Central Bank :)

Got Silver?
SilverSaver has an affordable and convenient way to Save in Silver using Dollar Cost Averaging. Just exchange some of your devalued dollars for silver each month and create your very own Central Bank. SilverSaver has now also added gold grains in their savings plan too! So get on over to SilverSaver and start funding YOUR Central Bank.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Silver Backwardation and Ron Paul / Peter Schiff warning
Got Silver? Better get some :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The fundamentals are still EXTRAORDINARY for silver.
Got Silver?
SilverSaver provides an convenient and affordable way to Save in Silver.
Dollar Cost Averaging helps you to accumulate more silver over time
as the price of silver fluctuates.
Sure beats saving in dollars which is being devalued by the printing of
more dollars over time.