Wednesday, August 24, 2011

$8,000 Gold & $500 Silver, MINIMUM : Chapman Part 1 of 2

Saturday, August 20, 2011

BIX WEIR: The Main Battle Now is in the SILVER Market

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Debt Collapse - The Case For $20,000 Gold - Mike Maloney (FULL PRESENTAT...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bill Murphy - Gold Seek Radio Nugget - 08-10-11

Bill Murphy : Silver is going to go berserk and there is not much time for investors left to get on boarGet

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gold and Silver Looking for the Moon!

Gold and Silver
Looking for the Moon!
My friends, gold and silver have yet to enter
a phase transition creating a major spike high.
I never tire of trying to get people to keep on
buying gold and silver with their paper money.
Instead of focusing on the dollar price of gold
and silver, we should be focused on collapsing
government and with it the rule of law.
A word of caution, do not ask your banker or
stock broker about the wisdom of buying gold or
silver. These people are notoriously against gold
because they don’t sell gold. They sell paper
assets. They don’t know anything about gold,
but 99 times out of 100 they will tell you don’t
buy gold.
Also, don’t store your gold with anybody.
Keep it to yourself. If you are afraid to hide
your gold, then don’t bother with it.
Also, don’t buy gold or silver Exchange
Traded Funds (ETFs). This will turn out to be
unbelievable fraud and a sham. It will make
Bernie Madoff look like Mr. Clean.
Your gold and silver stocks? Yes, you can still
have them in your possession. Don’t ask your
stock broker or you will find out what a skunk
he is. He will block you any way he can from
taking delivery of your stock certificates. He’s
afraid you will take them to another broker or
a discount broker and sell them and he will lose
the commission.
Stock brokers from the top down don’t allow
people to take possession of their stock certificates.
They will tell you that you can’t get them. But
you can in most cases. Find out who the transfer
agent is who holds your stock, ask your broker
or his front office. Then call the transfer agent,
give all the information including your address
of record. Tell him that you want to take delivery
of your stock certificates. In most cases you will
have them in a few days.
Gold is the ultimate protection against the
default (depreciation and collapse) of govern -
ments and their paper money.
People worry about the “high price” of gold
and silver when they should be concerned about
the worthlessness of paper money. My friends,
it is worthless paper money that impoverishes
savers and holders of dollars. Gold and silver
preserves assets.
Gold and silver explodes in price as govern -
ment and everything else collapses. This is
All the excesses and corruption within
govern ment that is driving the debt crisis is
coming to the surface. Deep concern is rising
among alert Americans as well as non-
Americans the world over.
The real sharp advance in gold and silver
is yet to come. Many more people will wake
up, but most never will. They never have.
Total collapse may come, or it may be a
complete default of the currency with the
replacement of a new currency, possibly tied
to a quasi-gold.
The great fear is a true meltdown in public
confidence. Few people living have any idea
what this means. A collapse in public confi -
dence means the end of the system. The end is
already in sight for many people. It is just a
question of how corrupt can the system get
and/or how much worse can the breakdown of
law and order become. Who alive cannot see
this government and political corruption and
that the U.S. is entering the final stages of a
true and profound economic legal and social
Gold is a key indicator because of the
distrust American people have in the U.S.
system, and the system worldwide. The
government is now attacking the poor and
the middle class by a new reporting on any
lowly $600 sale of gold.
As the debt crisis gets worse the U.S.
government will become visibly ruthless
against the American people. The idea of
requiring new reporting of gold sales will be
to attach a felony to all tax laws to give the
government the latitude to confiscate the
wealth of individuals and dealers.
This is simply a gold tax and it is a
reflection of a war against the people to
separate them from any wealth they have.
There is no need for violence. The U.S.
will collapse when it becomes known that
they can’t sell their bonds. Already, as you
readers know, the Fed is buying U.S. debt
(bonds). This is a fiat paper money sham.
Everybody acts like this QE1, QE2 is so

The Clock Is Ticking

The Clock Is Ticking